Professional Real Estate Investors Vs Columbia Pictures Industries

Was reading this article titled, “BigBasket is bullying with cease-and-desist letter” at At prima facie glance, and in further discussion with Aakanksha Kumar Ma’am, I realize that “basket” being a word long associated with Grocery delivery couldn’t be Trademarked, and at best it was part of a legal strategy of Big Basket for the purposes draining the start-up by making them incur legal expenses, and put them out of business.

Pursuance of legal remedy although not generally ought to have been covered as abuse of dominant position, what if that legal remedy is more of legal strategy? As we all know about high litigation costs in the same, and it is a well-thought strategy to keep competition at bay. This judgment analysis that particular aspect and finds that even pursuing legal recourse with ulterior motives can make you liable under competition law.

For more details contact @ Advocate Prakhar Gupta

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