Legal Snippets

A. K. Kraipak v UOI

The distinction between administrative powers and judicial powers has been diminishing over a period of time. What was considered as an administrative power some years back is now being considered as a quasi-judicial power. In this landmark judgment dealing with the point, the Hon’ble Supreme Court gives a test for determining whether the power is administrative or judicial?

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Rampur Fertilisers v/s Vigyan Chemical Industries

Statutory provisions are made for payment of interest to compensate a party that had suffered damages owing to a positive action or inaction of others resulting in blockade of money, which he/ she would otherwise have received.
Further, in the following landmark judgment, Hon’ble Supreme Court makes certain observations in regards to payment of Interest.

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N R Nair v Union of India

The rights of slaves which seems prima facie undeniable today would be a foreign concept even as late as the 19th Century. Humans based on their color of skin would be classified as property, only a long series of human rights movements would go on changing that narrative. Animals are currently being considered to be property, whether giving them certain fundamental rights, will lead to certain anamoly viz a viz human rights? This Kerala High Court judgment encounters the problem and makes the following observations.

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Professional Real Estate Investors Vs Columbia Pictures Industries

Was reading this article titled, “BigBasket is bullying with cease-and-desist letter” at At prima facie glance, and in further discussion with Aakanksha Kumar Ma’am, I realize that “basket” being a word long associated with Grocery delivery couldn’t be Trademarked, and at best it was part of a legal strategy of Big Basket for the purposes draining the start-up

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